
Jinggong robot is an enterprise that independently develops and develops logistics equipment manufacturing and system integration of roadway stacker products. It has the ability to integrate design, manufacturing, installation and service, and can provide users with a full range of stacker products and technical services.

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Jinggong robot is an enterprise that independently develops and develops logistics equipment manufacturing and system integration of roadway stacker products. It has the ability to integrate design, manufacturing, installation and service, and can provide users with a full range of stacker products and technical services. The design, manufacture, installation and service of Jinggong robot stacker are independently completed by Jinggong robot company. In the spirit of independent innovation and active cooperation, the stacker team continues to improve the technical system of Jinggong robot stacker and maintain the continuous improvement and perfection of Jinggong robot stacker products, Continuously enrich the product series of Jinggong robot stacker. After nearly 20 years of absorption and accumulation, the stacker of Jinggong robot company has a rich product series: it can be divided into single column and double column stacker according to the basic structure, single rail and double rail stacker according to the composition of ground track, and the form of access device includes single deep fork, double deep fork, conveyor It can translate push-pull mechanism, shuttle board, manual picking, etc. the cargo space configuration of the pallet can be single cargo space, double cargo space, multiple cargo space and other configurations. According to the system composition, it can be divided into ordinary straight track stacker, track change stacker system, transfer stacker system, one track multi vehicle system, etc; At the same time, for various forms of goods, from light goods of less than 30kg to heavy goods of 4000kg, from 200mm × From 200mm small items to 7000m long goods, from conventional rectangular goods with regular shape to rolls, so that the cold storage stacker and Jinggong robot stacker can provide corresponding solutions and products. At present, the main product series of Jinggong robot stacker are DQA single column stacker, DQB double column stacker, Du track transfer stacker system, one track multi vehicle system and track change stacker system. They are the product series with the strongest demand in the logistics market. Among these mainstream product series, Jinggong robot stacker has the following characteristics on the basis of maintaining advanced technology: Full automation and high reliability; Good operability, manual, automatic and online control. The equipment operation terminal has a full Chinese interface, which is simple and convenient to operate; The application of hovering and S-curve speed control technology makes the system reliable and stable; Equipped with a variety of access functional components, the configuration is flexible and can be customized according to needs to meet different customers; The world’s mainstream advanced technology is adopted for driving, detection and control technology; Follow the modular and optimal design concept to effectively reduce the use cost; Advanced control technology and multiple safety strategies of one track multi vehicle system ensure high efficiency and safety; The track changing stacker system can adapt to single column and double column stackers, and can adapt to the large storage system of up to 24m stacker; It can provide customized solutions.

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